Sustainable Workforce: The Role of Employee Engagement on Perceived Organizational Support to Employee Retention
Abstract. Retaining talented employees in the competitive pharmaceutical industry becomes crucial for company success. This study explores employee engagement's role as a mediator in the influence of perceived organizational support on pharmaceutical employees' retention. The study method used is quantitative cross-sectional. Purposive sampling was used with 212 employees from private pharmaceutical companies, each with a minimum period of 6 months. Data analysis in research using Mediation Regression Analysis. The mediation analysis results showed p=0.001 (p<0.05) that employee engagement plays a significant role as a partial mediator in the relationship between perceived organizational support and employee retention by 6,6%. This study provides insights into the importance of perceived organizational support and employee retention in enhancing employee engagement, enabling companies to retain talented employees in the pharmaceutical industry.
Keywords: employee engagement; perceived organizational support; employee retention
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