Resiliensi pada Remaja yang Terinfeksi HIV/AIDS (ODHA)


  • Anna Dian Savitri Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Semarang
  • Purwaningtyastuti Purwaningtyastuti Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Semarang



This study aims to determine the resilience picture of adolescents infected with HIV AIDS. Subjects in this study were adolescents who tested positive for HIV / AIDS, were undergoing ARV treatment and were willing to become research subjects. The informants who supported this research came from volunteers and the leadership of the shelter where the subjects resided. The method used in this research is a qualitative paradigm with a case study approach. Subject and informant data collection through structured interviews, while the analysis technique used uses triangulation of sources, by comparing the analysis of subject data with research informants. The results of this study are high levels of Sy resilience. Aspects of I Have include support and attention from others, Sy prioritizes pleasure and comfort, has a role model, has the drive to be independent, and has experienced health discrimination, gets good education and safety services. Factor I Am includes having an attractive attitude, expressing love through actions, and caring. I Can aspects include being able to express what is felt and thinking, being able to solve problems, being able to control emotions, and being able to foster good relations with others. The subject has good resilience and is able to accept his condition

Keywords: Resilience, Youth, HIV / AIDS

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