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Author Guidelines

We accept articles with Indonesian or English, please use standard vocabulary.  Each of these articles should be in scope.  Use clear sentences to explain the results of your research.  Make sure your writing is original and does not contain potential plagiarism.  We do not tolerate plagiarism.  We are using  Turnitin    and Viper.


Articles are written with Title, Author and Institution formats and correspondence, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (Background and Purpose), Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if required) and References.

Articles are typed using MS-Word program, Times New Roman font 12, 4 cm left border, right edge, top and bottom 3 cm each.  The maximum 15-page manuscript with a space 1.5 with no attachment.  The manuscript is given the  line number  on the left margin from the title to the end of the bibliography.  The script is submitted in the form of  print out  and  soft file  in Indonesian or English.  The photos / illustrations are sent in JPEG format.  Decimal uses a comma instead of a period;  the number of thousands or millions separated by a dot, a large number can be replaced with the word (2 million to 2,000,000).


Title.  The article title consists of keywords (variables) that are important and interesting and should not be the same as the title of the report / final project.  We recommend avoiding the use of the word "study", "influence", "relationship" and "analysis".  Written in English and Indonesia consists of 10-15 words.  Indonesian title written in capital letters (  upper case  ) and the English title is written in  italic  in the format  Senten  ce  case.

Author.     Contains the full name of the author (without title), institution / affiliation with full address and zip code and includes the correspondence and e-  mail of  one of the authors.

Abstract.  Contains a brief description of the research objectives, methods, results and conclusions in a single paragraph.  Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian for no more than 300 words using one space and accompanied by keywords that reflect the contents of the article.  Keywords consist of 3-5 words.


Preliminary .    Consists of the background and purpose of research written in different paragraphs.  The background is a rationale of research supported by recent research results (  state of  the  art  ) from domestic and foreign journals as the primary source of reference.

Method.  Consisting of the sub-section of the design, place and time, number and manner of taking the subject (survey) or materials and equipment (laboratory), the type and manner of data collection (survey) or research stages (laboratory) and data processing and analysis.

Results and Discussion  .  Written in the same chapter.  The result of the study presents various characteristics of subject / sample data and main findings of the study, while the discussion contains a discussion that connects and compares the results of research with theories / concepts / findings from other research results using the primary reference.  The discussion should mean not just narrating the results (tables and figures) and should put forward the implications of the research results.

Conclusion.     Contains answers to the research objectives and is not a summary of the results.  Suggestions are optional, are in the conclusion chapter and are only separated by paragraphs.  Suggestions can be implications for the program and further research that needs to be done in relation to the research findings or the authors' conclusions.

Acknowledgments (optional  ).  Contains thanks to funders or sponsors, contributors of materials and research facilities.

Bibliography and Citation

The bibliography contains only the references in the article.  Use the latest libraries (last 10 years), with a library ratio of over 80% primaries.  The number of libraries used should be at least 10-20 referrals.  References are written using a Harvard system containing the name of the year arranged in alphabetical order of the author's name.  The writing of a citation in an article is distinguished between writing at the beginning and at the end of a sentence in succession as follows: if the author is one person Khomsan (2014) or (Khomsan, 2014);  if the author of two people Khomsan and Sukandar (2010) or (Khomsan and Sukandar, 2010);  if the author is more than two people Khomsan  et al  .  (2013) or (Khomsan  et al  ., 2013).

Writing a bibliography follows the following instructions:

Journal  :

Ahsan, N., Paul, N., Islam, N and Akhan, AA 2012. Leaf Extract of  Syzygium cumini  Shows Anti-Pharmaceutical Vibrio Activity Involving DNA Damage.  Journal of Pharmaceutical Science  11 (1): 25-25.

Sukandar D., Khomsan A. and Herawati T. 2009. Review of family economic empowerment program to increase food access.  Journal of Food Nutrition 4 (3): 157-166.

Books  :

Backer, CA and Bakhuizen van Den Brink Jr., RC 1963. Flora of Java (Spermatophytes Only) Vol.1, Groningen: NV Wolters-Noordhoff.

Madavi, DL and Salunkhe, DK 1995. Toxicological aspect of food antioxidant.  In: Madavi, DL, SS Despandhe and DK Salunkhe (Eds.), Food Antioxidant.  New York: Mercel Decker Inc.

Articles in proceedings  :

Muhilal and Hardiansyah.  2004. Determination of nutritional needs and Harmonization agreement in Southeast Asia.  In Soekirman et al.  (Eds.), Food Security and Nutrition in the Era of Regional Autonomy and Globalization.  Proceedings of Widyakarya Nasional Food and Nutrition VIII (301-307), 17-19 May, Jakarta: LIPI.

Thesis, Thesis and Dissertation  :

Maqsood, S. 2010. Maximized uses of Phenolic compound in retardation of Lipid Oxidation and Shelf-life Extension of Fish and Fish Product: Bangkok: Prince of Songkla University.

Internet  :

Bulkpowders.  2015. Grape seed extract contains a minimum of 95% OPC.  [diakes May 12, 2015].


The order of loading of tables or drawings in accordance with the citation in the manuscript.  Maximum number of tables and pictures is 6 pieces.  Picture illustrations in the form of photos are included in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 100 dpi or files of at least 50 kb per image.  Illustration of graphic images must be accompanied by raw data (MS Excel).  Table titles and images are written flat left with  Sentence case  format  , except the name and time begins with a capital letter.

Sample Tables and Drawings:

Figure 1. Inhibitory values of EBD [Et-OH50, Met-OH50, EtO-Ac85], BHA and quercetin (100 ppm) on the oxidation of linoleic fatty acid emulsion during the 0-120 h (  p  <0.05)  incubation  n = 3


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Reviewhave been followed.

Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)

Fast-Track Review: 150000.00 (IDR)
No Rekening BNI 1336137630 atas nama Indah Kartika Dewi

Article Publication: 750000.00 (IDR)
No Rekening BNI 1336137630 atas nama Indah Kartika Dewi