Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Comments Toward Chat GPT


  • Theresia Herlina Rochadiani Pradita University



Chat GPT, sentiment analysis, Text Blob, VADER, YouTube comments


Sentiment analysis is used for analyzing the emotions and attitudes expressed in text data. In this study, sentiment analysis is used to understand people’s enthusiasm toward Chat GPT. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the acceptance of people of new artificial intelligence technology, Chat GPT, that may change the future. To get a deep understanding of it, a large dataset of user comments from YouTube is collected and then data pre-processing is done by removing stop words, punctuations, and irrelevant information. Using Text Blob and VADER approaches, comments are classified into positive, neutral, and negative categories. The result shows that most users have a positive sentiment to receive and use Chat GPT. The contribution of this study is to provide insights into the sentiment of people’s response to Chat GPT, which can inform user acceptance of the language model development and give guide its future applications.


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