Evaluating the Popularity of Programming Languages in Indonesia using the MABAC Method


  • Edi Widodo Universitas Semarang
  • Rastri Prathivi Universitas Semarang
  • Soiful Hadi Universitas Semarang




Programming Language, MABAC, Tiobe Index, Ranking


In today's fast-paced digital era, the selection of a programming language plays a crucial role in the success of software development projects. This research aims to create an index of popularity for programming languages using the multi-attributive border approximation area comparison (MABAC) method. The study considers four data sources, including Jobstreet.Com, LinkedIn.Com, Google Trends, and Tiobe.com, to obtain the necessary information for evaluating the popularity of programming languages in Indonesia. The data range for this study is from May 1, 2020, until April 31, 2021. The results of the study indicate that the top ten programming languages in terms of popularity in Indonesia are Java, SQL, php, JavaScript, C, C++, python, C#, Visual Basic, and Assembly. The index can serve as a useful guide for strategic decision-making regarding the selection of programming languages for addressing the needs of the information technology market in Indonesia. The study's findings can be useful for software developers, IT professionals, and decision-makers in organizations who need to select a programming language for their software projects in Indonesia. The MABAC method used in this study can also be applied to other contexts for evaluating the popularity of programming languages.


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