Analisis Perbandingan Kecepatan Deploy Container Orchestration Menggunakan Docker Swarm dan Kubernetes


  • Chaerul Umam Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Muhammad Ibnu Ervikhan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



Container Orchestration, docker swarm, kubernetes


A good infrastructure is to be able to provide services with high capability for its clients. The infrastructure of a server is said to be good if it can handle many requests from clients and does not experience downtime. The speed of deploying on container orchestration-based infrastructure greatly affects the downtime of a system. The author uses the Docker Swarm and Kubernetes to compare the deployment speed to find good performance and is suitable. The result shows that Kubernetes has a faster deploy speed than Docker Swarm. Docker Swarm gets an average speed for deploying 3 to 30 replications in 10 consecutive tests for 1 minute 9 seconds. Meanwhile, Kubernetes gets an average deploy speed of 1 minute 2 seconds.


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