3 Southeast Asian Governments’ Initial Crisis Rhetoric during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Online News
Methods: This paper employs qualitative-thematic and content analysis to analyze the materials collected from internet news sources. The study was conducted systematically, involving several steps. A thematic analysis was performed on the government messages to reveal governments’ initial crisis intersecting concept of crisis rhetoric and framing typology in PR.
Findings: The Indonesian Government adopted the rhetorical appeal of kairos, ethos, and pathos as means of persuasion to build the frame of choice and issues in the messages to the public. The Malaysian Government exhibited ethos and pathos appeal to build frame of responsibility and action in the messages carried out by the Government in the mass media. Meanwhile, the Singapore government uses the rhetorical appeal of logos and ethos in creating frame of action, responsibility, and situations that exist in the news covering government statements from Singapore.
Originality: Studies linking framing with rhetoric are scarce, mostly framing analysis focusing more on the journalist activities in constructing the frame within the news.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26623/themessenger.v15i3.9048
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