Hallyu Stars in the Philippines: Effects of Brand and Endorser’s Credibility on Filipino Purchase Intention


  • Eunizer Aldrich A. Rono Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Jean Paolo Lacap (SCOPUS ID: 57202381704); City College of Angeles
  • Jeren B. Quipia Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Albert John C. Paral Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Mary Devine L. Sablas Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Nicanor Jayson M. Coro Polytechnic University of the Philippines




Endorser’s Credibility, Brand Credibility, Purchase Intention, Attitude, Hallyu


Introduction: There has been a notable rise in the popularity of K-pop endorsers within the landscape of Philippine advertising, influencing Filipino consumers' purchase intentions. Therefore, this study aims to examine the mediating effect of attitude toward a brand on the relationship between brand credibility, endorser credibility, and consumers' purchase intentions. Methods: The participants of the study were Filipino internet service subscribers, and they were selected using purposive sampling technique. The approach used in this study was quantitative research and causal-predictive approach while the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to estimate the relationships of the proposed model. Findings: The results showed that an endorser's credibility significantly influences consumers’ purchase intention and attitude towards a brand. On the other hand, the relationship between brand credibility and purchase intention is not supported. However, there is a significant relationship between brand credibility and attitude towards a brand. The relationship between attitudes towards a brand and purchase intention is also supported. The mediation analysis revealed the importance of attitude towards a brand which tremendously mediates the relationship between brand credibility and endorser’s credibility leading to purchase intention. Originality: This study highlights the novel role of consumers' attitude as a mediator between endorser and brand credibility, shaping purchase intentions in the Philippine telecom industry through K-pop idol endorsements.

Author Biographies

  • Eunizer Aldrich A. Rono, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Jean Paolo Lacap, (SCOPUS ID: 57202381704); City College of Angeles
    1). https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=BgE5tvoAAAAJ&hl=en 2). https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4152-9061
  • Jeren B. Quipia, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Albert John C. Paral, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Mary Devine L. Sablas, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
  • Nicanor Jayson M. Coro, Polytechnic University of the Philippines


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