
Journal History

Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology published twice a year to bring the goodness of psychology to the human context. PHILANTHROPY means goodness and everything related to humanity. PHILANTHROPY discusses the concepts and applied psychology with positive psychology and mental health issues.

In 2017, Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology, managed by Yudi Kurniawan, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog, as Editor-in-Chief, started the publishing process with two publications totaling 11 articles from 5 institutions that have been registered with the ISSN, either from P- ISSN or E-ISSN.

2019 Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology obtained Accreditation at SINTA 5 with number 28/E/KPT/2019.

In 2019, the Manager of Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology changed with the Editor-in-ChiefDr. Erwin Erlangga, S.Pd., M.Pd.

In 2020, Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology increased accreditation to SINTA 4 based on the Decision of Direktur Jenderal Pengaturan Riset dan Pengembagan Kemenristekdikti with number 148/M/KPT/2020.

In 2022, the Manager of Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology changed, taken by an expert, Irwan Desyantoro, S.Psi., M.Psi. as Editor-in-Chief.

From 2022 until now, each publication consists of 8 articles.

From 2024 until now, all articles are in English.

In its efforts to improve the quality of publications, PHILANTHROPY has established cooperation and alliances with partners. In 2024, Philanthropy: Journal of Psychology collaborated with the Indonesian Clinical Psychologists Association (IPK).