Selisik Tindak Pidana Kenakalan ‘Perundungan Fisik’ Anak Di Lingkungan Sekolah Berdasarkan Aspek Hukum Pidana

Meida Adita Rahma, Surastini Fitriasih


The crime of bullying is a criminal act that is classified as violence against children and is motivated by various causal factors. It was recorded that approximately 341 victims of child bullying included physical violence in the form of abuse resulting in serious injuries and even death. This research discusses legal protection efforts for victims of child delinquency; The responsibility of child perpetrators and the position of the school in dealing with these problems are based on Indonesian legal policy. This research uses normative research methods. Bullying that is considered a 'joke' can have a domino effect and have fatal consequences. Education by educators and parents, counseling or socialization, and the role of the community are very important to prevent and overcome bullying.


Tindak Piana Perudungan; Anak di Bawah Umur; Kenakalan Anak


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