Pemanfaatan Situs Web Resmi Lembaga Pendidikan sebagai Sumber Berita oleh Wartawan Surat Kabar Lokal di Yogyakarta

Narayana Mahendra Prastya


This resarch based on concept that stated internet give organization advantages in media relations activities. Educational institution being chosen because media relations is important for them. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The data-collecting technique is interview. The informant of the interview is representative from newsroom local newspapers in Yogyakarta. The research result shows that informant give their trust to official website from educational organization. Informant use the information to explore the issue and/or as alternative when they face condition lack of news. Informant also criticize the information quality and the structure of information that published on official website.


Media Relations; Cyber Public Relations; News Sources; Official Website

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