News Authorship and News Sources: Impacts on Environmental Coverage in The Nigerian Press


  • Ogadimma C. Emenyeonu College of Communication, University of Sharjah, UAE Author
  • Bahtiar Mohamad School of Multimedia Technology and Communication, College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia Author



Environmental Coverage, News Sources, News Authorship, Nigerian Press


This study examines the impacts of news authorship and news sources on environmental coverage in the Nigerian press to shed light on the roles they play in news construction. The study finds that journalists in conjunction with policy makers are the catalyst for environmental information, whereas citizens who are pivotal in creating relevant public opinion on environmental issues are left behind. The study reveals that investigative reporting lacks in environmental coverage because most coverage are events driven which explains why environmental news is reported as straight news and as such journalists rely heavily on official sources rather than subsidiary sources. The study opines that for proper environmental coverage, journalists must choose sources from both main and subsidiary actors and revert to proactive, investigative and interpretive reporting so as to make environmental stories relatable to the intended audiences.

Author Biographies

  • Ogadimma C. Emenyeonu, College of Communication, University of Sharjah, UAE
    Ogadimma teaches mass communication courses at the College of Communication, University of Sharjah, UAE. He is currently rounding up his PhD studies at Universiti Utara Malaysia.
  • Bahtiar Mohamad, School of Multimedia Technology and Communication, College of Arts and Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    DR. BAHTIAR MOHAMAD is a Senior Lecturer at Communication Department, School of Multimedia Technology and Communication, UUM. With a degree from National University of Malaysia; a Master of Science from Universiti Putra Malaysia, and a PhD from Brunel University London, United Kingdom, Bahtiar has been serving Universiti Utara Malaysia for approximately 14 years. Formerly, he served as a Head of Communication Department, Faculty of Communication and Modern Languages, UUM for 3 years from 2005 - 2008. He teaches Public Relations, Corporate Communication, Communication for Managers and Organizational Image Management, which all combine to support his hybrid profession linking communication with the management. His qualifications are in Business Administration and Corporate Communication. In recent years, his publication and research interests have focused on corporate communication and public relations. He is carrying out research in the area of corporate identity, corporate image, investor relations and corporate branding from the point of view of public relations and corporate communication. He is Member of Institute of Public Relations Malaysia (MIPR), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), World Communication Association (WCA) and Pacific & Asia Communication Association (PACA). He is currently appointed as a Visiting Scholar at Faculty of Business and Humanities, Curtin University Sarawak Campus and Asian Institute of Cambodia.


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