Twitter Discourse on the Pre-Presidential Election Campaign in Nigeria


  • Kadiri Kehinde Kadijat University of Ilorin
  • Kehinde Adetola Ayotunde Al-Hikmah University
  • Shakirat Oluwatosin Haroon-Sulyman University of Ilorin



Twitter, Election, Engagement, Discourse, Social Media


Citizens political participation and engagement on various social media handles have made it necessary for scholars to investigate and understand the potentials inherent in the political engagement and discourse of individual citizens. Hence, the study examined Twitter discourse on the 2019 pre-presidential election campaign in Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique with thematic textual research method was used to thematically analyse tweets based on the research questions. Findings from the study showed that the kind of engagement made or done by Nigerians regarding the 2019 pre-presidential election campaigns was based on the topic, with most topics being met with sarcasm. The sarcasm found in the tweets pointed to the way Nigerians react in a situation that they have no way of rectifying. Also, findings from the study showed that celebrity tweet gets more engagement compared to tweets made by unpopular tweeps. Conclusively, the study found that the level of discourse on Twitter regarding Nigeria s 2019 pre-presidential elections was very rich and participatory this implies that Nigerians have a high propensity to relate on social media as their rate of responses as well as their frequency of responses remained high throughout the election campaign period which to a large extent predicts real-life events.

Author Biographies

  • Kadiri Kehinde Kadijat, University of Ilorin

    1). Dr Kadiri Kehinde is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mass Communication, Univerisity of Ilorin, Nigeria. She is an accomplished academic, a seasoned scholar and teacher of Mass Communication who has found deep passion for health communication, political comunication, digital media, humanitarianism and photography.

    2). Kadiri has published several academic papers in several journals in and outside Nigeria. She is also a recipient of several prestigious awards academia and humanitarian terrain.

    3). Kadiri had her first degree in Mass Communication at the prestigious University of Lagos, a second degree, M.A in Communication Studies at the University of Ghana, Legon before proceeding to Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia for her PhD in Communication. She is a member of Nigeria Institute of Public Relations. Advertising Practititoner Council of Nigeria, South Africa Communication Association, American Political Science Asociation, African Studies Association of Africa.

  • Kehinde Adetola Ayotunde, Al-Hikmah University

    Department of Library and Information Science, Al-Hikmah University, Adeta Rd, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria

  • Shakirat Oluwatosin Haroon-Sulyman, University of Ilorin

    Department of Information and Communication Science, University of Ilorin, No. C2, Fate Tanke Rd, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria


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