job satisfaction, job environment, internal motivationAbstract
Tujuan studi ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh job satisfaction, job environment terhadap turnover intention dengan menggunakan internal motivation sebagai variable intervening. Studi ini dilatarbelakangi adanya perbedaan hasil penelitian atas pengaruh job satisfaction terhadap turnover intention. Unit penelitian adalah para perawat di SMC Telogorejo dengan menggunakan responden sebanyak 120 orang yang dipilih dengan memakai teknik purposive sampling.
Hasil studi menujukkan bahwa job satisfaction dan job environment berpengaruh terhadap turnover intention, namun demikian studi ini gagal membuktikan peran internal motivation sebagai variable intervening
The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of job satisfaction, job environment to turnover intention by using internal motivation as intervening variable. This study is based on differences in research on the influence of job satisfaction on turnover intention. The research unit is the nurses SMC Telogorejo, using the respondents as many as 120 people selected by using purposive sampling technique.
The results showed that job satisfaction and job environment had an effect on turnover intention, however, this study failed to prove the role of internal motivation as intervening variable
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