Penerapan strategi inovasi sebagai upaya menjaga keberlangsungan usaha (going concern) studi kasus PT APF
This research is a study of the efforts that have been made and what strategies need to be developed or maintained by APF as one of the textile industries in Indonesia so that APF's business can continue for a long period of time with a qualitative approach using source triangulation where the data obtained is based on interviews. with several key informants, observations and from archival documents, literature, journals and articles. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that organizational resilience, having a strong market share, building strategic partnerships, downsizing efforts, support from stakeholders are efforts that have been made by APF to overcome the uncertainty of the changing business environment, so that the business can continue. Mastery of information technology, cost efficiency, effectiveness, value added and superior human resources as APF Innovation Strategy to maintain business continuity (going concern).
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