Journal Juridisch a scientific journal that includes research, court decisions and assessment/comprehensive legal discourse both by researchers and society in general to emphasize the results in an effort to formulate new rules of the new in the field of the legal studies. Journal Juridisch published three a year in March, July and November (3 issues a year), The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including: Criminal Law, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, International Law, Administrative Law, Islamic Law, Business Law, Medical Law, Environmental Law and Legal Philosophy.
Vol 2, No 3 (2024): November
Table of Contents
Windro Akbar Panggabean, Ega Laksmana Triwiraputra, Kukuh Sudarmanto, Zaenal Arifin
DOI : 10.26623/jj.v2i3.9853
| Abstract views: 79 times
Dimas Almeida Saputra, Zaenal Arifin, Kukuh Sudarmanto, Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno
DOI : 10.26623/jj.v2i3.9854
| Abstract views: 76 times
Rudi Prasetiyo, Kukuh Sudarmanto, Kadi Sukarna, Mukhlis Ridwan
DOI : 10.26623/jj.v2i3.9855
| Abstract views: 23 times
Widhie Kurniawan, Kukuh Sudarmanto, Kadi Sukarna, Mangaraja Manurung
DOI : 10.26623/jj.v2i3.10491
| Abstract views: 51 times
Alberta Ira Prabasiwi, Zaenal Arifin, Rilda Subiadi, Soegianto Soegianto
DOI : 10.26623/jj.v2i3.10492
| Abstract views: 22 times
Anugerah Yudha Saputra, Kadi Sukarna, Soegianto Soegianto, Syafran Sofyan
DOI : 10.26623/jj.v2i3.10619
| Abstract views: 48 times
Nunuk Wahyuningrum, Soegianto Soegianto, Muhammad Junaidi, Miftah Arifin
DOI : 10.26623/jj.v2i3.11376
| Abstract views: 28 times