Analisis Komunitas Online Dinamika dan Pemberdayaan Terhadap Kaum Disabilitas dan Perempuan di Indonesia

Jesica Oktaviana, Devina Karsten Setiadi, Riko Furnando


Abstract: Human and communication are inseparable, because basically humans have to communicate and also have shared motivations that become a community. Due to the rapid development of the times and technology, community systems and ecosystems have transformed into virtual communities such as virtual communities. But how they can maintain and improve these crucial social relationships to support the in the future. In general, there are social relationship-breaking conflicts between internal members of the community that trigger the division of a community. Therefore, this study discusses how maintains the kontan and unity in existing social relations to carry out a work plan that is a mandatory activity and daily dynamics of The results of this study are in social relationships that are well established and effective, especially when utilize existing technology to be able to adapt to the situation during the Covid-19 pandemic, and all of these things also do not close the possibility of small problems such as errors in receiving information, late meetings, and so forth.



Online Community,, social relation

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Jurnal Dinamika Sosial Budaya  

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat - Universitas Semarang

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