Understanding The Importance of Strengthening Character Education in Millennial Generations through Pancasila Education Learning

Adinda Elmira Hafiz


Character education in this millennial era often becomes a reasonably complex problem because it involves the participation of teachers and parents as parties in the environment around millennials. Therefore, it takes several ways or more strategies so that this character education can arrive and become a science that can control their attitudes and behavior from all ethics contrary to the norms in society. Several fields of science are also present to support the realization of this strategy, one of which is Pancasila Education. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze and study more deeply about the importance of strengthening character education, which can impact the self-sustainability of millennial generation children in welcoming their lives and futures. This study uses a library research method or literature review. The selection of this method is considered appropriate because it is influenced by several reasons, one of which is the ease of collecting data sources during the Covid-19 pandemic situation that is currently engulfing our country. There are three main discussion on this article and inside that three main points of the discussion, it was concluded that there is a need for creative and innovative ways to attract the millennial generation's attention so that they can like learning Pancasila Education.


Character Education; Millennial Generation; Pancasila; Technology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26623/jdsb.v24i1.3598


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