Representasi Budaya Maskulin dalam Drama Korea The World Of The Married

Piwy Adrian


Representation of Masculine Culture in Korean Drama The World Of The Married, Communication Science, University of Semarang. This study aims to find out the actual structure of the masculine narrative in the Korean drama The World Of The Married, then to find out the representation of masculine culture in the Korean drama The World of The Married. The theoretical foundation in this study is the theory of Narrative Structuralism by Algirdas Julien Giermas analyzing structure so that it focuses on the exploration of characters and their involvement in various events. So, the relationship between characters in the story can be analyzed using an accounting scheme, namely abstract roles that can be played by one or a number of actors and functional structures, so that the main structure of the story can be found. The form and strategy of this study used qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach through non-participant observation and data triangulation. The sampling technique in this research is purposive sampling technique. Based on the research that has been done, the researcher draws the conclusion that in accordance with the formulation of the problem in this study, it is found that there is a masculine culture in the drama The World Of The Married, where masculine itself is constructed by culture. The concept of masculinity in Eastern cultures such as in Indonesia is influenced by cultural factors. When a boy is born into the world, various norms, obligations and a pile of family expectations have been imposed on him. This condition can be seen from the tastes and ways of dressing, appearance, forms of activity, ways of getting along, ways of solving problems, verbal and non-verbal expressions to the types of body accessories used.

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