
  • Agus Sarwo Edy Sudrajat [SINTA ID : 6658633] Universitas Semarang, Indonesia



Suitability, Land, Geographic Information System


As time goes by, a city or region will change its physical appearance. Visually, the physical appearance of the city can be seen from the growth of the center of activity and population activities that occupy a land space both vertical and horizontal developments. The realization of this is the impact of increasing population and growing population activities. Society or population as perpetrators as well as objects of development is one of the main actors influencing changes in a city or region. Of course this will have implications for the needs of land as a space for socio-economic and ecological activities.

From the description above, it can be explained further, that the needs of this land if it is not considered in a balanced manner between demand and supply will have a negative impact on the land itself, including for human beings. Land needs are increasing while the amount of land is limited, so there is often a change in land use that is not in accordance with its designation.

Therefore, in each land change, an analysis of the land is needed to determine the function (suitability) and character (capability) of the land so that any changes in land use can be known to be feasible and then the appropriate land use direction can be known.

The method used is the spatial method using the map overlay technique with geographic information system software. With this method, it is expected to provide a detailed and precise description of the function and character of the land so that the direction of the development of a city or region can be determined optimally effectively and efficiently while anticipating the emergence of land change conflicts.


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Moeloeng, Azas-azas Penelitian, (Yogyakarta :Gadjah Mada University Press, 1990),

Kabupaten Pekalongan Dalam Angka Tahun 2020

Perda No 2 Tahun 2011 tentang RTRW Kabupaten Pekalongan Tahun 2011-2031

Permen PUPR No. 20/PRT/M/2007 tentang Teknik Analisis Aspek Fisik & Lingkungan, Ekonomi serta Sosial Budaya dalam Penyusunan Rencana Tata Ruang

RTRW Kabupaten Pekalongan Tahun 2011-2031

SK Menteri Pertanian No.837/KPTS/UM/11/1980 dan No 583/KPTS/UM/8/1981 tentang Penentuan Kesesuaian Lahan Pada Suatu Kawasan

UU No. 26 tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang


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