Optimalisasi Pelayanan Kesehatan pada Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas II B Banjarnegara

akbar - fitrian


Health services are an important and very influential factor for human life. It is no exception for people who are in conflict with the law, such as prisoners and convicts in the State Detention Center, all of whom have the same rights as human beings to fulfill their health-related needs. Class II B Banjarnegara State Detention Center has a health polyclinic to provide health services to prisoners and convicts. The implementation of health services provided must be optimized in accordance with the minimum service standards that have been set. This journal was created to find out how the implementation of health services for prisoners and convicts as well as optimizing health services at the class II B Banjarnegara detention health polyclinic. The research method used in this journal is qualitative research. Data collection was carried out through interviews and document observations of the Class II B Banjarnegara polyclinic officers. Data obtained from primary data and secondary data. The results of this study are that the health workers in the remand center only consist of 1 nurse who is an employee at the detention center. The existing facilities and infrastructure consist of 1 examination room which also doubles as an office space and a medicine taking room with 1 bed, medicines , medical equipment and 1 wheelchair, 1 oxygen cylinder. Health services in prison clinics still have to be optimized in terms of the services provided to prisoners and convicts due to various factors such as the lack of health workers and the limitations of some medical devices and medicines.


Health service, optimization, prison

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26623/humani.v12i2.5024


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