Analisis Pelaksanaan Pertimbangan Pemberian Remisi Khusus Terhadap Warga Binaan Tindak Pidana Pencurian Dengan Kekerasan Pada Hari Raya Idul Fitri (Studi Di: Lapas Klas: Iia Kotabumi)

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Special Remisi that are given on AIDUL FITERI RAYA to the inmates are one of the rights of the citizens. built. Research = using a normative juridical approach and a juridical; empirical approach. Collecting data by field studies and literature studies. Analysis, data that is used together with yuridies. Qualitative is an analysis that is carried out by description. The results of the study discuss the Obtaining of Special Remissions for Convicts of Criminal Theft with Violence on AIDUL FITERI DAY "In Class IIa Lapas, Kotabumi through several stages which include the following procedures: granting remissions. Proposed: to the MINISTER of Law and HUMAN RIGHTS by the Head of Class IIA of Bumi City. through the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The decision of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, namely remishi, is notified to the inmates, the calculation of the time of granting: remission: according to the provisions: ARTICLE 5 Paragraph 2 (1): Decree: President number 174. Year-1999: Remission. The obstacles in granting special Eid al-Fitr remissions to INTEGRATED RESIDENTS are criminal acts of theft with violence IN the Class IIA correctional institution Kotabumi, namely in the form of institutional factors and human resources, facilities and infrastructure factors, factors of the behavior of inmates and cultural/cultural factors.


Correctional Institution; Fostered Residents; Kotabumi, Remission.

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