Sistem Monitoring Sungai Berbasis IoT


  • Arga Dwi Pambudi Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Sari Ayu Wulandari Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



Pollution, river water, web


Water pollution often occurs due to the disposal of household waste (solid waste and liquid waste) as well as industrial
waste, small industry and non-organic waste. This waste will be disposed of through channels which then flow into rivers. The
purpose of this research is to make a device that can determine the condition of river water, which is polluted or not from a
long distance. The method used in this study is by taking samples from river water that can represent polluted and unpolluted,
then data is taken from these samples which are then processed so that their condition can be known. The conditions that have
been obtained are then displayed via the web.


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