Focus and Scope

The Economics and Business Solutions journal aims to publish high quality research papers in all fields of finance and in closely related fields of economics. The Journal is interested in both theoretical and applied research with an emphasis on topics in corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, and investments. Research in real estate, insurance, monetary theory and policy, and industrial organization is also welcomed. Papers that deal with the relation between the financial structure of firms and the industrial structure of the product market are especially encouraged.

The Journal is particularly interested in papers relevant to the whole economic and business issues, comprised of three salient disciplines: (1) economics, (2) business administration, and (3) accounting. These fields are furthermore divided into the following specific areas:

Economics:  Public Economics, International Economics, Development Economics, Monetary Economics, Financial Economics, Game Theory.

Business Administration:  Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Operations, Entrepreneurship, and Ethics.

Accounting:  Public Sector Accounting, Taxation, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing, and Information Systems.

The aforementioned areas are just indicative, and the Board of Editors is in principle welcoming rigorous articles that encompass scientific economics and business fields.