Perpetuation of Stigmatization of Minority Groups through Convergence of Content on Streaming and Social Media


  • Yuliyanto Budi Setiawan (SCOPUS ID: 57200984447); Universitas Indonesia Author
  • Billy K. Sarwono (SCOPUS ID: 57200338989); Universitas Indonesia Author
  • Donna Asteria (SCOPUS ID: 57170621800); Universitas Indonesia Author
  • Sunarto Sunarto Universitas Diponegoro Author



Misrepresentation, Labelling of Janda, Convergence of Media Content, Ignores the opposing feedback from Netizens, Indonesia


Introduction: This study aims to show the misrepresentation of minority groups, specifically widowed women (hereinafter referred to as janda) in the era of convergence of media content (television as well as streaming and social media) in Indonesia. Media as the fourth pillar of democracy are supposed to inform and represent everything in a balanced and fair manner, instead of favoring the interests of the majority. The question we attempt to answer is: how the misrepresentation of janda on converged media content (FTVs) in a patriarchal society?

Methods: This study applied feminist perspective in media convergence as well as the narrative analysis of Chatman.

Findings: In general, the results of the study show that the convergence has not been in favor of janda, indicating that internet technology does not only strengthen the gender-biased values of media industry person in massively distributing FTVs (via streaming and social media) that threaten minorities, but also ignores the opposing feedback from netizens. As a result, the minority groups are increasingly muted. Reproduction of labelling of janda is a strategy of media owners to obtain maximum profits.

Originality: We noted many studies on janda conducted from various scientific perspectives. However, studies that observe the depiction of janda in the media convergence in the perspective of communication studies are scarce. This study provides a discussion on the representation of janda in the vortex of capitalism in media convergence as the major novelty in this line of study.

Author Biographies

  • Yuliyanto Budi Setiawan, (SCOPUS ID: 57200984447); Universitas Indonesia

    1).  PhD Student at Department of Communication, FISIP-Universitas Indonesia  (My Second Email:

    2).  External Research Experts in the Research Management Office at Polytechnic University of the Philippines

    3).  Reviewer in  the International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM)-->31st percentile/Q3




    7).  Editorial Advisory Committee [One Day International Conference on Women & Society], 7th July 2019, venue: Prof. Syed Nurul Hasan College Auditorium, Farakka, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.


    9).  Areas of Expertise: Gender Communication, Minority Studies, Memory and Media, Communication Technology, and Tourism Communication.  

  • Billy K. Sarwono, (SCOPUS ID: 57200338989); Universitas Indonesia
  • Donna Asteria, (SCOPUS ID: 57170621800); Universitas Indonesia
  • Sunarto Sunarto, Universitas Diponegoro


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