Dialectics of Forgiveness between Ethnic Communities for West Kalimantan Harmony





Dialectics of Forgiveness, Arendt's Political Forgiveness Theory, Ethnic Communities, Young Generation


West Kalimantan has a history of inter-ethnic conflicts, and the process of reconciliation has been continued until today in order to create a complete peace. This present study uses the qualitative method of explorative case study from the perspective of Arendt's Political Forgiveness Theory to analyze the process of individual forgiveness in the ongoing reconciliation process. The results indicate that the dialectics of forgiveness practices that occur individually cannot be achieved completely due to several factors, but the presence of the West Kalimantan Children's Forum, the Madurese Family Association, the Alliance for Peace and Transformation, and the Dayakology Institute stimulates the emergence of collective forgiveness for the past inter-ethnic conflicts in the younger generation in West Kalimantan. The findings suggest that sustainable justice is the main solution that will enable all ethnic groups to live in harmony.

Author Biographies

  • Rustono Farady Marta, Universitas Bunda Mulia
    Dr. Rustono Farady Marta, S.Sos., M.Med.Kom. (蔡益安) or familiarly called "Frad". Obtained his bachelor degree in Communication Science at Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, then completed his Master's Degree in Post-Graduate Program of Media & Communication at Universitas Airlangga. Achievements in the field of research have been engraved when won the Best III at the Indonesia Media Research Awards and Summit (IMRAS) in 2014 (social media category) and the year 2015 (online media category). In 2016 received a Research Lecturer Scholarship from Tempo Institute, while 2017 awarded for National Research Grant for Dissertation by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia. To complete the study of Doctoral degree in Communication Sciences at Universitas Indonesia. Recently he was chosen as the top 10 winners of the best research proposal competition by the National Corruption Eradication Commission in 2018. The specialties of Frad are the identity studies and communication media sciences. Besides lecturing at University of Bunda Mulia (Master Degree of Communication Science, Post-Graduate Studies), he was also entrusted as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia.
  • Joshua Fernando, Universitas Mpu Tantular
    Joshua Fernando, born in Jakarta, March 7, 1996. He holds a Bachelor of Communication Science in 2017 at the University of Bunda Mulia. He is currently continuing his studies as a student of Communication Studies at the University of Bunda Mulia, Jakarta. Having an interest in becoming a young researcher by conducting research specifically in the field of communication, development studies and gender equality, especially child participation in regional development. One contribution in the field of development is to be The delegation represented Indonesia in the United Nations Human Rights Council, which was a simulation of the UN session at the Asia Youth International Model United Nations 2017, Malaysia and joined the General Assembly 2 council "Advancement of Women" at the United Nations for Model United Nations 2018, Thailand.


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