Analisis Wacana Kritis pada Pemberitaan TEMPO.CO tentang Kematian Taruna STIP JAKARTA
Online News,, Critical Discourse AnalysisAbstract
The purpose of this research is to know critical discourse analysis of the news about the death of taruna STIP that has been published. This research notice all of the aspects such as microstructure, meso-structure, and macrostructure. This research uses a news from with title Taruna STIP Tewas Dihajar Senior, Ini Kronologinya, online published in January 11th 2017. This research uses Norman Fairclough s critical discourse analysis model. Qualitative method has been used as basic thinking and critical paradigm as research standpoint. The result shows that does an election diction; use of the causation phrase; and selecting resource in direct quotation. Realization of the result rates in line with the s company mission. Which is to create an independent multimedia product that free from any pressure. There was a motivation in news produced which lead the reader to give a positive sight for
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