
About the Journal

[Jurnal The Messenger] is and International Scientific Journal, published by the Department of Communication, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication, Universitas Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. [Jurnal The Messenger] is intended to the national and international scholarly community. The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the lates outstanding developments in the field of communication. Articles published are the results of research, bringing the new sights (scope) on Cultural Studies, Integrated Marketing Communication, and Media. Meanwhile, submitted papers are evaluated by  double blind peer review for contribution, originality and relevance.  Starting from 2021, [Jurnal The Messenger] will publish  three times  (Regular Issues) a year (January-April, May-August, and September-December).  It was first published in  2009.

our scope:

-).  Cultural Studies: Representation Studies,  Identity Studies, Minority Studies, Gender,  Feminist Theory,  Reception Studies, Popular Culture,  Film Studies, Subcultures, Ideology, Hegemony,  Texts and Readers.

-). Integrated Marketing Communication: Public Relations,  Corporate Communication, Crisis Communication, Advertising, Brand Value, Digital Branding, Direct Selling, Promotion, Interactive and Digital Marketing Communication Studies.

-). Media: Memory and Media, Gender and Sexuality in the Media, Social Media, Media Globalization, Media Convergence,  Media Literacy, Media Language,  Media and Religion, Media and Technology.

[Jurnal The Messenger] has been  accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI), No. 30/E/KPT/2019 (Nov. 11, 2019) as Ranking 2 (SINTA 2)-->Point: 77.25

OAI Address

[Jurnal The Messenger] has OAI address :  http://journals.usm.ac.id/index.php/the-messenger/oai  

Before submission,  
You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the  [Jurnal The Messenger] paper TEMPLATE, has been  carefully proofread and polished, and conformed to the Author Guidelines.      

Online Submissions

Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.  

P-ISSN: 2086-1559, E-ISSN: 2527-2810


Publication Schedule, and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)


Publication Schedule:

Online Submission (submitted papers MUST BE written in English, and with OUR TEMPLATE).

We strongly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system. Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files (text, figures and supplementary information (including video), ASO (Authors' Statement of Originality) & CTA (Copyright Transfer Agreement)), directly to our office and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. First, kindly please register as author, and then you should login to submit your papers. Please don ´t forget tick author when you make a registration.

Vol 14 No 1 (2022)  (Regular Issue), deadline:  October 1,  2021
Vol 14 No 2 (2022)  (Regular Issue)
, deadline:  February 1,  2022
Vol 14 No 3 (2022) (Regular Issue)
,  deadline:  June  1, 2022


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU):

MoU with  APJIKI (Asosiasi Penerbit Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia).

MoU with ISKI (Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia).

Read more about Publication Schedule, and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 3 (2024): September-December
					View Vol. 16 No. 3 (2024): September-December
All articles in this issue (5 articles) were authored/co-authored by 15 authors from regional Asia and Africa that consists of 3 countries (Indonesia, India, and Ghana)
Published: 2025-01-11


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