Yuliani Purwaningrum, Pahlawansyah Harahap


This study attempts to examine the effect of empowerment and leadership style to increase self  efficacy in achieving the organization's commitment to the tax office in Semarang. The problem in this  study due to lack of involve employees in decision making, lack of facilities in accommodating the desire
to be empowered from the staff and leadership style that is still far from perfect. This research used purposive random sampling method and data used in this research is in the  form of a questionnaire. The study population numbered 409 employees in the executive level, while  this sample of 110 employees of the tax office in Semarang. Literature review of relevant literature has  been developed for resulting in a hypothetical model consists of 5 observations and 22 variables were  tested using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the criteria of goodness of fit and hypothesis testing  are done with AMOS.
Based on the results of confirmatory analysis, has found the absence of differences between the  sample covariance matrix and covariance matrix dietimasi population and 22 variables significant  observation is the dimension of the latent variable. From SEM analysis, full model, generate all the  goodness of fit criteria can be met. All the hypotheses can be accepted and significant with significance  level of 5%. Thus, empowerment and leadership style variables can affect the increase in self efficacy  and organizational commitment


Empowerment, Leadership Style, Self-Efficacy and Organizational Commitment

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