Analisis kinerja usaha UMKM kuliner di madura: financial behavior dan financial technology dengan mediasi financial literacy
The study was conducted with the aim of testing Financial Behavior and Financial Technology on the Performance of Culinary MSME Businesses in Madura through Financial Literacy as an intermediary variable. The population and sample of this study included culinary MSME actors in Madura using a quantitative descriptive approach. The research sample was 88 respondents, the sampling method used random sampling. The data analysis method was carried out using Smart-PLS version 4.0. The results of the study showed that directly Financial Behavior had a significant positive effect on Business Performance, Financial Behavior also had a significant positive effect on Financial Literacy, Financial Technology did not affect Business Performance, Financial Technology also did not affect Financial Literacy, and Financial Literacy did not affect Business Performance. Indirectly Financial Behavior did not affect Business Performance with Financial Literacy as a mediating variable, and Financial Technology did not affect Business Performance with Financial Literacy as a mediating variable. From the results of this study, it is known that Financial Literacy cannot mediate Financial Behavior and Financial Technology on Business Performance simultaneously.
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