Pengaruh tangible dan responsiveness terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dengan e-WOM sebagai variable moderasi
This groundbreaking study examines critical factors influencing customer satisfaction in the insurance industry, with a specific focus on PT Zurich Asuransi Indonesia in the Central Java region. The research aims to delve deeply into how aspects of service quality, including the dimensions of tangibility and responsiveness, impact customer satisfaction levels. Furthermore, the study investigates the significant role of electronic Word-of-Mouth (e-WOM) as a moderating variable that can strengthen this relationship. A quantitative method with a positivist approach was employed, using random sampling and Likert-scale questionnaires as data collection instruments. The analysis was conducted through Moderated Regression Analysis and Partial Least Squares to examine the relationships among variables, including service quality, customer satisfaction, and e-WOM. The findings reveal that tangibility and responsiveness have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Additionally, e-WOM acts as a moderating variable, enhancing the influence of product quality on customer satisfaction. These findings offer significant managerial implications for insurance companies, highlighting the need to design more effective marketing strategies that leverage the power of e-WOM in today’s digital era.
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