Automation Models Turn On and Turn Off Electric Switches In Accordance With The Time Specified Using Arduino
Continuous usage of the lamp because it forgot to turn off resulted in electricity costs becoming more expensive. In this regard, a research will be conducted on a switch system that uses a timer to automatically turn on and turn off the electric current. This switch can turn on and turn off the lights automatically with a predetermined time which is controlled by the Atmega328 microcontroller (Arduino UNO R3 DIP). The Relay Module is used as a trigger to turn on and off the switch and also the DS3231 RTC Module as a timer in seconds, minutes and hours. The purpose of making this tool is expected to be able to control the time of the lights, so that the use of lights can be arranged.References
Supriyono, Heru, Wahyudi, Bruri Setio, dan Handaga Bana, 2013, Saklar Lampu Otomatis dan Timer yang Dapat Diatur Untuk Menyalakan dan Memadamkan Sound Sistem Pada Persewaan Studio Musik, Univ. Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta.
Hendrawati, Dewi, dan Lesmana, Indra, 2016, Rancang Bangun Saklar Lampu Otomatis dan Monitoring Suhu Rumah Menggunakan VB.Net dan Arduino, Politeknik Sukabumi, Sukabumi.
Bakhtiar dan Suherman, 2015, Realisasi Sistem Switch Lampu Penerangan Ruangan Otomatis Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Energi Listrik, Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia, Jember.