Pengembangan Usaha Berbasis Kreativitas Fake Nail Art Pada UMKM Ulfa Art Pemalang

Diah Wuriah Ningsih, Arif Hadi Prasetyo, Slamet Firman Syah Firman Syah, Nabila Maharani Marddzy, Evi Nurhati


UMKM Fake Nail Art located at Jalan Raya Klareyan RT 04/01, Desa Klareyan, Kecamatan Petarukan, Kabupaten Pemalang, transforms plain fake nail art into beautiful, high-quality pieces that enhance the appearance of the wearer's fingers. The goal of this initiative is to support business development at UMKM by identifying existing problems and providing alternative solutions. After conducting observations, several issues were identified at UMKM, including the lack of business permits, the absence of a business profile, vision, mission, and organizational structure, the desire to create a new business logo, an inadequate business banner, the lack of a business stamp, the absence of simple financial bookkeeping, the lack of an online shop account, the business location not being listed on Google Maps, and ineffective marketing strategies.To address these issues, several business development assistance programs were formulated, including: Obtaining business permits such as the NIB (Business Identification Number), Creating a business profile, vision, mission, and organizational structure, Designing a new business logo, Creating a business banner, Creating a business stamp, Designing new product labels, Implementing simple financial bookkeeping, Calculating the cost of goods sold (COGS), Setting up social media accounts like Shopee store, Listing the business location on Google Maps, Producing various videos for production and promotion. After analyzing and implementing these assistance programs, the UMKM experienced positive impacts. These included obtaining business permits such as the NIB for legal business status, having a business profile, vision, mission, and organizational structure for complete business documentation, and more.

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