Etika Komunikasi Dakwah Virtual di Era Digital
This article aims to discuss the ethics of da'wah communication in the digital era on the virtual platforms of YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter, using a qualitative approach with a literature study method. Data was collected through review techniques on scientific articles and books related to the ethics of virtual da'wah communication. The study results show that applying da'wah communication ethics through the platform is carried out in the following ways: 1) Ethics of virtual da'wah communication on YouTube include non-clickbait titles, appropriate content packaging, and good interaction in the comments column. 2) The ethics of virtual da'wah communication on Instagram & TikTok include avoiding provocative content, presenting clear and concise messages, and maintaining a positive image in every upload. 3) Ethics of da'wah communication on WhatsApp include avoiding spam or sending excessive messages, ensuring that the information shared is valid and relevant, and respecting the privacy of group members. 4) The ethics of da'wah communication on Facebook avoids the use of harsh, provocative, or offensive language, is honest, uses images, videos, and texts that support the da'wah message wisely, maintains audience privacy, does not violate copyright, is wise in responding to the comments column, and avoids debates that can damage the purpose of da'wah. 5) The ethics of da'wah communication on Twitter include unambiguous messages, being polite and respecting the views of others, using relevant hashtags, and being wise in expressing opinions and sharing information.
Keywords: Communication Ethics, Virtual Da'wah, Platform, Digital Era