Analisis Strategi Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Pada Startup Edutech DNVB Indonesia
This research focuses on analyzing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies in building customer retention in education startup companies DNVB Indonesia. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. In this research, the data collection process was carried out by observation and interviews with DNVB Indonesia customer relations research subjects. The results of the findings and discussion regarding the analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies in increasing customer retention, namely building emotional relationships by analyzing audience types, paying attention to the audience, building interactions like friends, taking follow-up actions on input from the audience. The use of the four-dimensional Customer Relationship Management (CRM) theory can help customer relations in the success of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies.
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), customer relation, customer retention, DNVB Indonesia
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