Peraturan Daerah Nomor 16 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pembinaan Anak Jalanan, Gelandangan Dan Pengemis Di Kabupaten Kendal

Rifki Aditya, Dyah Listyarini, Wenny Megawati


This research addresses issues related to the implementation of Regional Regulation Number 16 of 2013 concerning the Development of Street Children, Homeless People, and Beggars in Kendal Regency, with a focus on street children, homeless people, and beggars as a segment of society requiring attention. These children need support from the government and the community to obtain suitable housing, education, and employment, enabling them to lead a decent life and avoid potential risks. The study includes an evaluation of the effectiveness of law enforcement and the implementation of sanctions within the aforementioned Regional Regulation. Additionally, it identifies potential obstacles in the implementation of programs for the development of street children, homeless people, and beggars in Kendal Regency. The normative juridical approach is employed as the research method, with data obtained through direct interviews, documentation, and case study observations related to law enforcement by the Regional Police Force in Kendal Regency. Additional information is sourced from various outlets such as books, the internet, literature, relevant works, and related documents. Research findings indicate that the enforcement of the Regional Regulation has been carried out through preventive, repressive, and rehabilitative approaches. However, its effectiveness has not reached an optimal level, as there are still street children, homeless people, and beggars in Kendal Regency. Sanctions imposed on violations need enhancement to create a more optimal deterrent effect. Challenges faced involve a limited number of officers, restricted operational budgets, and the presence of sympathy from the community.


Kendal Regency, Law Enforcement, Regional Regulation Number 16 of 2013.

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