Penegakan Hukum Dalam Tindak Pidana Penipuan Penawaran Kerja Berbasis Media Elektronik (Whatsapp)

Sanusi Sanusi


The development and advancement of technology does not escape the existence of crime. One of them is in the form of labour recruitment fraud carried out through electronic media offered through the WhatsApp application. The offer in the work recruitment process itself is through the mode of offering work with tempting wages but the work requirements seem to be made easier, but in the acceptance process there are certain conditions for workers that must be fulfilled such as buying credit with a nominal amount and the destination number has been determined by several individuals on behalf of companies engaged in oil palm plantations. The person has been committing fraud since several years ago and has claimed many victims. The victim has reported through social media, and the company in question has provided a statement that the company has never recruited through WhatsApp. The company also gave directions to the victim to explain the chronology of the incident which later the report was sent to the company email. However, after the reporting process was carried out by the victims, there was no follow-up from the company while the victims had suffered material and immaterial losses. This research aims to find out the modus operandi of the criminal act of fraud in recruiting job offers on behalf of the company through whatsapp. And knowing the form of law enforcement on the criminal offence of fraud in the recruitment of job offers on behalf of the company. In this study using the approach method used in this study is the juridical-empirical method. juridical-empirical research is legal research on the enactment or implementation of normative legal provisions directly on each specific legal event that occurs in society. As well as secondary material in the form of interviews with victim witnesses in the case to be studied. The results of this study are the modus operandi carried out by the perpetrator of fraud and carried out through electronic media (whatsapp). Can be charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code and the Electronic Information and Technology Law.


Law Enforcement, Fraud, Job Offer, Labour, Whatsapp.

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