Penegakan Hukum dan Sanksi serta Kendala Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan terhadap Balap Liar di Jalanan pada Remaja di Kabupaten Kudus

Agista Yusuf Novendra, Dyah Listyarini, Arikha Saputra


Overall, illegal racing refers to the activity of racing motor vehicles, especially motorcycles, on public roads without adhering to safety regulations. This practice poses dangers not only to the riders but also to others in the vicinity. In Indonesia, illegal racing is prohibited under Article 115 letter b of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation. This article explicitly states, "Motor vehicle drivers on the road are prohibited from racing with other vehicles," and Article 297 imposes criminal sanctions, with a maximum imprisonment threat of one year or a fine of up to IDR 3,000,000. The police play a crucial role in upholding law and order. This research was conducted in the jurisdiction of the Kudus Police Resort using a socio-legal method and data collection techniques through interviews with sources from the Kudus Traffic Police and document studies. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate law enforcement related to illegal racing, sanctions applied to young offenders, and the challenges faced by police officers. The research findings indicate that the active role of the police is crucial in combating illegal racing in Kudus, given the high incidence that can endanger road users and the surrounding community. Police efforts need to be supported by active community participation to ensure safety and compliance with traffic rules. Through collaboration between the police and the community, it is expected to create a safe, comfortable, and orderly living environment in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations.


Illegal Street Racing; Law Enforcement; Youth.

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