Urgensi Penerapan WBS Pada Perusahaan di Indonesia

Gracia Maydelin Arganto


The emergence of conflicts of interest in companies is triggered by differences in interests between individuals and the company. Indonesia ranks fourth among countries with the highest fraud rates. This research aims to provide a fresh perspective and insights to the government on the importance of implementing the Whistle Blowing Systems (WBS) in companies. The Indonesian government could refer to regulations in the United States, where the mandatory implementation of WBS in companies has been established. The research methodology employs a qualitative approach with Comparative and Conceptual Approaches. Currently, Indonesia lacks regulations mandating the implementation of WBS in private companies, with such obligations only specified for state-owned enterprises. The study's key findings are summarized in one to two sentences. In conclusion, it is suggested that the government consider referencing the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act regarding WBS obligations and whistleblower protection. The enactment of a specific Indonesian law addressing WBS and whistleblower protection is anticipated to encourage stakeholders to report instances of fraud within companies.


Fraud; Sox; Whistle Blowing System

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26623/humani.v14i1.8152


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