Aspek Caveat Venditor Dalam Hukum Perlindungan Konsumen Terhadap International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) Yang Tidak Terdaftar Di Indonesia

Xavier Nugraha, Sigmawati Widyaningrum, Nadya Eka Amalia Al’Azza


The rise of information and communication technology often gives rise to developments in human life, one of which is through the presence of cell phones. However, the presence of cellular phones does not rule out the possibility of indications of violations in their use, such as the black market or products being traded outside the Government's approval and/or not complying with state policies. Therefore, as of April 18 2020, it was stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 29 of 2019 concerning the Mobile Telecommunications Equipment Identity Database System and Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 1 of 2020 concerning Control of Telecommunication Tools and/or Equipment Connected to Cellular Mobile Networks Through International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) Identification The government officially implements IMEI control rules. Meanwhile, the purpose of having an International IMEI itself is to prevent the possibility of an indication of a violation, where if the IMEI number of a mobile device is not registered then it can be blocked or there are other technical problems such as a cellular number signal (Subscriber Identity Module Card). ) /SIM CARD) that has been installed is missing and the status is 'no service.' Based on the description of the background of the legal issues that will be raised in this study, including, (1) Legal Protection for Apple Product Users Against Unregistered International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) and (2) Apple Authorized Reseller's Liability for blocking IMEI on products sold.


Black Market, Violation of State Policy, International Mobile Equipment Identity Identification (IMEI).

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