Peran Gatekeeper Dalam Produksi Berita Ekonomi LPP TVRI Jawa Tengah: Siaran “Jawa Tengah Hari Ini”


  • Dea Nursewa Universitas Semarang


This study attempts to analyze the role of gatekeepers in the production process of market economic news on the news broadcast "Jawa Tengah Hari Ini" on LPP TVRI Central Java. Jawa Tengah Hari Ini is one of TVRI Central Java's flagship programs that presents the latest news broadcast daily from 16:00 WIB to 17:00 WIB. The ideal Jawa Tengah Hari Ini News Broadcast broadcasts hard news, namely actual news, politics, economy, and education, then ends with soft news, in the form of features at the end of the segment. Gatekeepers are a crucial element in broadcasting hard news and soft news in a program on the media. This researcher uses a qualitative method using the gatekeeping theory according to Shoemaker & Vos. The study results, gatekeepers have an important role in the production process of market economic news to provide better insight into how market economic news is produced and presented to viewers. The role of gatekeepers is divided into several levels, namely the individual level, the media routine level, the organizational level, the extra media level, and the social system level.

Keywords: Media, News, Gatekeeper Role, Production Process





